From a young age he was fascinated with the ocean when he went to the beach with his parents:
“He jumped right out of his buggy and ran to the water. A hundred yards to the left, a hundred yards to
the right, so excited to see the sea. We lost him for a good 45 minutes.”
- Pepijn’s Parents
At the age of 12 years old surfing became an important part of his daily routine besides school. Only for fun in the beginning but short after he started surfing in the National Championships, being part of the National Surfteam, surfing the WSL Qualification Series and many years later, joining the World Championship aka the World Surfing Games for the Netherlands in Japan. These were some of the big challenges he faced within his surfing career. Always working hard to improve, not only physically but also mentally, nutrition wise and technically.
After his study he started his own business focussing on improving the skills of the surfing community. It started with sharing his knowledge and passion for surfing on his podcast for Dutch surfers called the "
Surftips podcast ". Positioning himself and his company mainly via social media like his Instagram andFacebook .
The questions that always fascinated him were: “How do you master a skill while you keep having fun?
Why is surfing so addicting? And “How do I surf more often in perfect waves?“
With an open mind Pepijn overlooks the world, his life and friends.
That’s Pepijn.
(Atleast, a part of Pepijn)
EMAIL ME ON [email protected]
WHATSAPP ME ON +31645778753